Fresno Christian High School's journalism students receive high praise

Friday, December 18, 2020
Fresno Christian High School's journalism students receive high praise
The Feather Online, the school's online paper, has stayed up and running amid the pandemic.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- In-person or apart, Fresno Christian High School's journalism students haven't stopped.

"It was tough trying to figure out how do we run the paper without being on campus when that's what our world," says Editor in Chief Addison Schultz.

The Feather Online, the school's online paper, has stayed up and running amid the pandemic.

"We were able to come together and the articles we were able to produce in the last few months from home are the same quality The Feather has been producing for years and years," says Co-Editor-In-Chief Vijay Stephen.

Students were able to take their work home with them, producing new content wherever they were learning.

"Over the phone, over Zoom, over texting, I think that was the biggest hurdle we had to go over," Schultz said.

Now, they're gaining national attention, recently receiving a 2021 Digital News Crown from Columbia Scholastic Press Association, in addition to the 2020 Online Pacemaker Award they received in April from the National Scholastic Press Association

"They compete against schools of up to 5,000 students, and little Fresno Christian has less than 200," says Advisor Greg Stobbe.

"Our work reflects our works and everyone else's work," Schultz said. "We're standing on the shoulders of people who have gone on to be CEOs and world leaders and it's important to recognize that."

As the pandemic presses on, the student work hasn't stopped - The Feather is still going full force.

You can check out the students work on their website.

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