Clovis North student advances science project that previously made her a top 30 nationwide finalist

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Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Clovis student advances project that previously made her finalist
This week, students from around Fresno County will compete in a science fair.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- This week, students from around Fresno County will compete in a science fair.

For one Clovis North freshman, she's entering an experiment she's been working on for years.

Clovis North freshman Kinnoree Pasha says when she grows up, she wants to work in the STEM field.

She says helping her dad in the garden at home piqued her curiosity because she never realized how much water was used.

"I was on the internet and found a piece of data that was really shocking. Seventy percent of water in the entire world is used just for agriculture, so that really concerned me, and so I thought, 'What if there was a way to do irrigation but save water and maximize crop yield?" Kinnoree said.

So in seventh grade, she started testing ways to reduce the amount of water needed to grow plants.

She then entered her experiment into the science fair in her eighth-grade year.

The project landed her a spot as a top 30 finalist on the 2023 Society for Science's Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge in Washington, D.C.

There, she and other finalists competed in challenges.

"Those challenges all helped me get to know them better and know how it is to be on a team with innovators just like me," Kinnoree said.

Now heading into her first high school science fair, she's advancing her project from eighth grade.

It's called "Beyond Batteries Energy Storage in a Customized Smart Irrigation System".

"I'm building on to that and creating even more to the system so that it can store energy while it's delivering water to the plants, and it can store energy even when it's not delivering water to the plants," Kinnoree said.

This week, her project will be up against other projects from the Valley.

She's also competing for one of four spots for the International Science and Engineering Fair.

She says she has high aspirations for competition and believes her story could help influence others.

"I hope that people can be encouraged everywhere to keep building up on ideas because there are so many things in our world that can be improved and scientific. Innovation is just one step and if more brands combined, we could just create a better world," Kinnoree said.

Projects from around the county will be on display at the Fresno Fairgrounds.

The public can view them on Wednesday.

The awards ceremony will be held on Thursday.

For news updates, follow Jessica Harrington on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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