Patino High students prepare to graduate

Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Patino High students prepare to graduate
Graduation for some at the Patino High School of Entrepreneurship is the stepping stone to pursuing their businesses.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Graduation is almost here for thousands of students in Fresno Unified.

For some at Patino High School of Entrepreneurship, it's the stepping stone to pursuing their businesses.

"My company is Realm Gaming Cafe. Our ultimate goal is to have a brick and mortar facility and to be the heartbeat of the gaming facility in Fresno," said Patino High senior Zachary Villasana.

Villasana and his classmates at Patino have been working hard on their business for the past two years and have turned their idea into reality, even hosting gaming events at Bitwise.

"I see them socializing with new people, they're playing video games with complete strangers, and I play with them. It brings me joy to know I'm giving them memories through video games," Villasana said.

The student groups have all been mentored by a professional in the community.

"I think the biggest impact I had with the team was really staying organized and thinking as a business. How to take all these ideas and information they have and put them in a place where they can all communicate together," said Damon Thomas, mentor.

About 15 businesses have been developed from food service to clothing box company.

Lokal is a marketing company for businesses on social media to help companies grow.

"The things we did in the company, I have skills I have never learned before. It's really unique, I'm set apart from regular high school," said Ashlee Douglas, Patino High Senior.

These seniors are a part of Patino's inaugural graduating class and have been at the school for three years developing their skills and business plans.

For some, it's just a stepping stone to the next phase of their business.

"I'm planning to keep this going for the next ten years, and I'm going to Fresno State," Villasana said.

About 70 students will graduate from Patino High School on June 6th.

The school says 80% of them will pursue higher education.