Internet cats you should know and love

ByJocelyn Fiset KFSN logo
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Colonel Meow
Colonel Meow
Colonel Meow/Facebook

Don't say that you've never looked at cats on the Internet. Since you most likely have, these furry friends might look familiar to you. If not, it's time you were introduced. Check out these lovable feline Internet sensations right meow!

1. Grumpy Cat

Tardar Sauce, aka "Grumpy Cat," shot to stardom after her picture was uploaded on Reddit in 2013. Her owner, Tabatha, says that her permanently grumpy-looking face is due to feline dwarfism. Nobody can be negative quite like Grumpy Cat. (Photo by realgrumpycat/Instagram)

Grumpy Cat
Grumpy Cat

2. Lil Bub

Lil Bub is an American cat known for her "perma-kitten" appearance. She was born with several genetic mutations which accounts for her tongue permanently sticking out. (Photo by iamlilbub/Instagram)

Lil Bub
Lil Bub

3. Colonel Meow

The colonel first seized power in 2012 and has since gained thousands of fans (or minions, as he calls them). He holds the Guinness World Record for being the cat with the longest hair -- nine inches. While Colonel Meow is no longer with us, the memory of his rule will live forever in our hearts -- and the history books. (Photo by Colonel Meow/Facebook)

Colonel Meow
Colonel Meow
Colonel Meow/Facebook

4. Maru

Maru is a 6-year-old Scottish Fold who has been amusing fans with his YouTube antics for years. From sliding into paper boxes to hiding in dustbins, nobody has ever rocked it like Maru.

5. Hamilton the Hipster Cat

Hamilton had a mustache before it was cool. His perfect facial hair and human-like expressions have made him an Internet sensation -- he's too hip to care. (Photo by hamilton_the_hipster_cat/Instagram)

Hamilton the Hipster Cat
Hamilton the Hipster Cat

6. Keyboard Cat

This cool cat named Fatso became the first kitty to play an upbeat rhythm on an electric keyboard. After this video was posted in 2007, Keyboard Cat became one of the most famous Internet cat memes.

7. Nala

No one makes a surprised face quite like Nala. She uses her fame for a good cause -- spreading awareness about spaying and neutering animals to prevent pets from being euthanized in shelters. (Photo by nala_cat/Instagram)

Nala the Cat
Nala the Cat

8. Nyan Cat

The first Internet cat is an animation showing a cat with the body of a cherry Pop Tart flying through outer space. The original animation was posted by illustrator Chris Torres after receiving two separate suggestions for a cat and a Pop Tart during a Red Cross charity drawing event on Livestream.

9. Henri the Existential Cat

This French furry friend is the world's first and foremost feline philosopher. Millions have been enthralled by his musings and moved by his insight into existence.

10. Sockington

Sockington, aka 'Sockamillion' or 'Socks,' has gained large-scale fame via his Twitter account, which has over 1.36 million followers. If you don't understand why Socks' account is so popular, you clearly haven't looked at his Twitter feed. (Photo by sockington/Twitter)


11. Klepto Cat

This Snowshoe feline from San Mateo, California brought new meaning to the phrase 'cat burgler.' Dusty, aka Klepto the Cat, is your average house pet by day, but when the sun goes down he hits the streets. Dusty has stolen over 600 items from his neighbors with a record 11 different items stolen in one night -- he isn't choosy about what he takes, either.

Klepto Cat
Klepto Cat
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