Cheerleaders from 29 states possibly exposed to mumps at NCA competition in Dallas

Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Cheerleaders possible exposed to mumps at NCA competition
The NCA says cheerleaders from 29 states may have been exposed to the mumps in Dallas last month.

DALLAS, Texas -- If your child attended a national cheerleading competition in Dallas last month, you need to pay attention to their health.

The Texas Department of Health said a person with mumps attended the National Cheerleaders Association All-Star National Championship in Dallas, and may have exposed children to the viral illness.

Health officials said children could be infected with the mumps and not even know they are sick.

The health department said most people develop symptoms two weeks after contracting the virus.

In some cases, you won't even know you are sick until a month later.

Competitors from 29 states were present at the NCA competition in Dallas.

What are mumps? Signs and symptoms

Health officials say the MMR vaccine is the best protection for the mumps.
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