Fresno Police Department hit with lawsuit over domestic violence cases

Saturday, June 20, 2015
Fresno police hit with lawsuit over domestic violence cases
A local attorney has filed a lawsuit on behalf of two women and their families.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- A local attorney has filed a lawsuit on behalf of two women and their families. They claim the Fresno Police Department didn't do enough to protect them from domestic violence.

Fresno police say Cindy Rice Raygoza was killed by her ex-boyfriend Michael Reams in July 2014. And Pamela Motley was left a quadriplegic when her husband shot her in April 2014, before taking his own life.

Now, attorney Kevin Little has filed a lawsuit, claiming the Fresno Police Department was negligent in enforcing violence against women laws. Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer says he has not seen the lawsuit.

"This is a community that desperately needs vigorous, full enforcement of the domestic violence laws. In this case, that sadly did not occur," said Little.

"I would take issue with that because I know how much energy and effort we put into preventing domestic violence from occurring in Fresno," said Dyer.

Little says Pamela Motley called Fresno police at least eight times and did not get all the services she was entitled to receive. He also claims Fresno has some of the highest incident reports of domestic violence, and many cases go unreported.

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