MADERA, Calif. (KFSN) -- If you have a passion to help students learn how to read or want to encourage kids to conquer math problems, Madera Unified School District is looking to fill 40 to 50 teaching positions with certificated teacher candidates next month.
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Joe Aiello, says the district is hosting a TK to 12th grade teacher job fair.
Applicants will have an opportunity to interview with principals who have openings at their sites.
"If they're selected, they actually move through our entire hiring process that day, get onboarded, fingerprinted and given the offer of employment," Aiello said.
Aiello says they're looking for candidates who can make an impact on student lives, regardless of their experience.
"We're looking for any teacher who is interested in coming to Madera Unified. You can be a veteran teacher or a teacher straight out of the program," Aiello said.
Aiello says first-year teachers in the district have help thanks to the "Teacher Support Mentor Program."
Program Coordinator Amanda Wade says each first-year teacher is assigned a mentor.
Each mentor is a distinguished teacher, no longer in the classroom, who helps with things like classroom management, lesson planning, and professional development.
"We're there to support them in everything. I mean, you know, we call ourselves the lifesavers because we literally are there 24 hours a day getting texts, "How do I do this? How do I do this?" Wade said.
In addition to helping outside of the classrooms, teacher support mentors spend 8 to 20 hours a month in the classroom.
They're working to do whatever they can to help new teachers succeed.
"That's our mission to make these the next teacher leaders," Wade said.
Aiello says candidates can fill out the application now on EDJOIN.
He says applicants should upload all transcripts, credentialing and certifications ahead of the job fair and be prepared for an interview at the job fair on March 22.
"Make sure you understand what Madera Unified is about and what we and our board and our school district believe is important for our teachers and speak to that," Aiello said. "Be yourself and make sure when you're interviewing, you talk about things that are going to make you stand out different from other candidates."
Those who are interested in attending the job fair must apply and upload all of the necessary documents by March 9.
You can find open positions by clicking here.