Summer School

Friday, March 31, 2017

The district's summer school, Expanded Learning Summer Program, is gearing up to keep students on track for graduation while preparing them for post-secondary education and workplace success.

Last summer, more than 13,000 students participated in learning opportunities outside of the traditional school calendar that allowed them to recover credits for graduation or to further develop skills gained during the regular school year.

The 2017 Expanded Learning Summer Program will be held June 13 to July 13. Program invitations and applications were distributed to students beginning the week of March 20.

Enrichment program space is limited and students will be enrolled on a first come, first served basis. Elementary and middle school students who return their applications to their school site by April 7 will be given priority for enrollment. High school students will be contacted by their school counselor to schedule summer coursework.

Detailed information regarding summer school sites and times can be obtained by contacting students' schools or visiting the

Fresno Unified Extended Learning website at

Intervention Programs

- Reading by third grade: Supports English and dual immersion students exiting kindergarten through second grade students needing additional instruction on foundational skills to help reading fluency.

- Elementary redesignation: Supports exiting third- through fifth-grade English language learners acquire proficiency in language and literacy to attain redesignation.

- English language development for newcomers: For exiting sixth- through eighth-grade students in the U.S. less than three years; to support achieving one language acquisition level per year.

- Academic language development for long term English learners: For exiting sixth- through seventh-grade long term English learners; to help students acquire proficiency in language and literacy to attain redesignation before exiting middle school.

- Math proficiency: To support exiting sixth-grade students' transition to middle school; goal setting, team and culture building activities while strengthening key math concepts to prepare for algebra.

- Graduation: Credit recovery for high school students deficient in credits for graduation, or A-G deficient for college admissions.

- Special education: Extended school year for special educations students pre-kindergarten through the Adult Transition Program as determined by a student's individual IEP.

Info Box for intervention

For More Information

Eunique Johnson (559) 248-7535

Enrichment Programs

- A Week in the Life: An enrichment program focusing on increasing career awareness and the use of career technical educational (CTE) activities to promote literacy for interested students exiting third-fifth grade.

- Hmong Heritage and Culture: An enrichment program focusing on Hmong history, language, culture, and literacy in support of producing bilingual, bicultural, and biliterate students for interested students exiting first-fourth grade.

- After School University: An enrichment program housed on the Fresno State University campus providing students with personal and academic enrichment in multiple subject areas; open to exiting first-eighth grade students.

- Middle school CTE enrichment: An enrichment program for exiting sixth-seventh grade students interested in robotics, coding, video production and medical sciences. Students will learn about career paths in these areas.

- Summer Bridge: Designed to onboard incoming ninth grade students to support a smooth transition to high school. Students will explore career pathways, enhance their study skills, and engage in campus culture and team building activities.

Acceleration Programs

Young Scholars: An acceleration program focusing on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education and verbal explanation for exiting second grade students identified as having GATE (gifted) potential.

Original credit: Courses offered to exiting eighth-11th grade "on track" students, to accelerate and/or create room in their schedule during the traditional school year to take additional Advanced Placement courses, visual performing arts courses, and/or CTE courses. Courses offered:

- World Geography

- Modern World History

- US History

- Economics

- American Government

- Psychology

- Art History

- Art I

- Multimedia

- Spanish