"Choking Game" raises parent's concern

FRESNO, Calif.

"At first I was saying no, no, then he bugged me until I said yes." He said.

Corey said he was taken into the bathroom by the other boy, and a couple of others, who wanted to watch. "He told me to breathe in 20 times and then he squeezed my neck right here."

Corey's Mom, Chelle Foster describes what happened next. "When he passed out, the kid that was holding his neck to take his breath away was laughing too hard and dropped him so he hit his face on the tile floor in the bathroom at lunchtime in school."

The result was Corey went into convulsions and broke two of his front teeth. The teeth have a temporary cosmetic fix, but are broken at the roots and will have to be removed and replaced with implants. The dentists estimate is more than $14 thousand. Money the family doesn't have.

Still, Chelle Foster is grateful her son is alive. "There's kids that have died from this. There's kids that are in a vegetative state right now. There's parents that are in mourning because their kids is gone from a simple game." She said.

A website, called GASP is dedicated to educating parents about this game. The site estimates from 250 to one thousand children die from this suffocation game every year. Many are judged suicides because the children, usually teens, will do it to themselves with a rope or cord, then pass out and choke to death. Why do they do it? There's apparently a brief euphoric rush as the blood returns to the brain after being choked off.

Chelle Foster said, "They call this the good kids game. No drugs. No alcohol parents don't normally find out about it. They call this the good kids game because it can go undetected."

Clovis Unified is aware of the incident and school district spokesperson Kelli Avants told us the students involved are being dealt with. "We are going to take action. We are going to pursue the disciplinary measures available to us so kids can understand there are consequences to the actions they take."

But Chelle Foster wants all schools and parents to warn children about this activity, before someone is seriously hurt or killed.

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