
FRESNO, Calif.

Beauty, it's only skin deep, and what you do now could determine how you will look later. That's why 34-year-old Wanda Rubbet and 27-year-old Francis Alvarez are turning to what is essentially a modern day magic mirror. This skin analysis machine can tell them what's going on underneath their skin.

"We can see certain things with our eyes, but we can't see below the surface," Barry DiBernardo, M.D., a Board-certified plastic surgeon at New Jersey Plastic Surgery told Action News.

The machine takes a 3-D snapshot and compares it to 5,000 people of the same age and skin type. You can see sun damage, pore size, wrinkles and bacteria. It can also show you what you'll look like in 10 years. The right treatments can slow aging down, but Dr. Barry DiBernardo says there are a lot of things we do wrong. What do you think? Does collagen help wrinkles? No!

"Just by taking a molecule and putting it on the surface doesn't mean that it gets under the skin," Dr. DiBernardo explained.

Does sunscreen with SPF over 30 make a difference? Yes indeed! The higher numbers filter out slightly more UVB rays, and can add up over time. Are facials really good for your skin?

A study out of India found they cause breakouts in 80 percent of people. Finally, can food protect your face against sunburns? In one recent study, participants who consumed five tablespoons of tomato paste daily for three months had nearly 25 percent more protection against sunburn.

It's knowledge Wanda and Francis both plan on putting to good use. Dr. DiBernardo says your best bets to help you look young are lasers, fillers and other therapies your doctor can prescribe. The skin analysis usually costs about $100, but it depends on your doctor.

Gary Grasso, PR
(626) 222-7955

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