Know the Road with the CHP: Can I tint my front windows if I have a doctor note?

Friday, March 13, 2020
Know the Road with the CHP: Can I tint my front windows if I have a doctor note?
After seeing our segment with the CHP about tinted front windows, an ABC30 viewer wanted to know: can I tint my front windows if I have a doctor note?

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- After seeing our segment with the CHP about front-tinted windows, an ABC30 viewer wanted to know: can I tint my front windows if I have a doctor note?

"This comes up quite often," said Sgt. Brian Pennings with the California Highway Patrol. "If that is your case, that's fine, but you have to have your note from your doctor."

"But the vehicle code is also very specific and says that that shade shall be removable," Penning said. "You have to be able to take it off, and it shall not be used during the hours of darkness."

So does that give you the ability to go have tint applied to your front windows with a doctor's note? "The answer simply is no," he said.

Pennings gave the following example: if you're married and your wife has a skin condition and a doctor's note, she can put the shade up. But when you get into the car, the doctor's note is not for you, so you have to remove it.

"It's usually applied either by static, or they're applied by suction cup," Pennings said of the types of removable shades that would work.

"You cannot have a film applied to your window that cannot be readily removed."

For other answers from the CHP, go to

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