Recovering from spinal cord injury

Margot Kim Image
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Recovering from spinal cord injury
Spinal cord injuries in children are life-altering for both the patient and the family.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Spinal cord injuries in children are life-altering for both the patient and the family.

Jenna and Erin Proctor are a mother and daughter on the road to recovery. Dance class is in session for Jenna Proctor and at the same time she's dancing, she's receiving therapy following a near fatal accident.

Erin Proctor, Jenna's mother told ABC30, "On February 4, 2010, Jenna fell from a bed at daycare."

Jenna sustained a spinal cord injury to her C-2 and C-6 leaving her almost immobile.

Katie Perez MOT, OTR/L of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta explained, "What we are trying to do in that time period is help individuals regain as much function as they can."

A critical part of Jenna's recovery is dance.

Erin Proctor told ABC30, "Well positions are hard because Jenna's legs don't go into first, second or third position very well. But the therapists help her legs move and provide her the stability that she needs."

One of Jenna's occupational therapists has some advice for parents with children who suffer from a major injury or disabilities.

First, find an activity they love and work that into their therapy. Also, continue to look for new interests that will keep them motivated and, Perez said, "I think the biggest thing is to continue to do the therapy and the recommended home exercise programs so the more you work with your child the better the results will be."

Erin Proctor still worries about what the future may hold for her daughter.

She explained, "I want her to always realize that people are going to be mean but she's a good person, and bad things can happen to good people sometimes but she can overcome anything she wants."

Jenna's therapist, Katie, also recommends that parents should get involved with support groups because it helps to have someone to talk to and build great friendships.

For more information, contact:

Heather Kirksey
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

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