MERCED, Calif. (KFSN) -- For the Valentine family, each and every court date is a painful reminder of the son and father they lost.
On Friday, almost two years after Richard Valentine's death, the family faced their son's killer one last time before he was sentenced to life in prison.
"My son may be gone in the flesh, but my son-- Richard Valentine-- will never die," said Robert Valentine Sr., father.
David Lastra was sentenced to life in prison for killing Richard in 2015-- he pled guilty to all the charges in July. He also admitted to attempted murder while in custody, and escaping from jail.
Family and friends of Richard filled the courtroom to confront Lastra, reminding him of what he took from the family.
Lastra showed no emotion, barely glancing at the family until Richard's father spoke
Prosecuting Attorney Katie Gates, "He's extremely violent, he's shown no remorse, he's confessed to all of his crimes."
Lastra then took a moment to address the family.
"I took him in, let him wear my clothes-- I love the dude just as much as you guys did."
Robert Sr. said the court dates may be over, but the pain of losing his son, and father to his grandchild, will stay.
"My son wasn't a thug, he wasn't a thug-- he had his problems but he was not a thug. And what happened never should have happened to him."
Lastra will have to serve 75 years in prison before he is eligible for parole.