Merced doctor helps delivers baby after being in crash on way to hospital

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Merced doctor delivers baby after being in crash on way to hospital
A Merced mother is eternally thankful for a doctor who helped deliver her baby despite being injured on his way to the hospital.

MERCED, Calif. (KFSN) -- A Merced mother is eternally thankful for a doctor who helped deliver her baby despite being injured on his way to the hospital.

Little Bradley Stangthelini sleeps peacefully, unaware of his dramatic entry into the world.

His mother, Alyssa, didn't learn until days later what Dr. George Alkhouri went through to help deliver Bradley at 1:03 am on July 2.

Stanghellini said, "It's pretty remarkable. He's a remarkable human being that I just can't express enough gratitude to."

Bradley's umbilical cord had wrapped around his neck. His heart rate was dropping, so Alyssa was prepped at Mercy Medical Center for an emergency cesarean delivery.

Stanghelllini recalled, "I overheard the nurses say that the surgeon got into a car accident on his way over."

Police say Dr. Alkhouri's car was hit by a drunk driver on his way to the hospital.

Dr. Alkhouri said, "All the glass just shattered and came in my face and my hands."

He works with Golden Valley Health Centers.

Dr. Alkhouri was bloodied and in pain but borrowed an officer's phone to call a charge nurse.

He said, "I told her I'm going to do my best to be there. When the police officer heard us talking, he offered to release me and let me go."

In the operating room, nurses removed pieces of glass from his face.

Alyssa's mother, Amanda Maxwell, said, "Now knowing the facts, that he had shards of glass all in his face, his leg was injured and delivered Bradley on one leg in the operating room is just remarkable."

Stanghellini shared, "I feel like God had his hand over the situation, so I'm just very grateful that Dr. Alkhouri was able to make it even though he was injured."

Meeting Dr. Alkhouri for the first time was a special moment for the family.

Dr. Alhkhouri said, "I am so glad to see Alyssa and her baby healthy and together."

Stanghelllini added, "I mean, I don't know if we would have Bradley here if he wasn't able to make it."

The doctor is now on a well-deserved vacation.

The family figures he'll probably be invited to Bradley's birthday parties from here on out.

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