FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- The clean up is underway after a large tree fell over at Courthouse Park in Downtown Fresno.
A Fresno County Public Works crew began cutting up the tree with chainsaws Monday morning.
One worker even had to use a small axe on the large tree that fell to the ground Sunday afternoon. When the tree fell it damaged some light posts, a security phone and a bench. But moments before, a witness in the park heard a cracking noise.
And that has one member of the Fresno County Board of Supervisors concerned.
"We're going to have an arborist come and look at these trees," supervisor Buddy Mendes said. "I'm sure there going to be some trees that they recommend that we have to take out."
An exact cause into why the tree fell has not been determined. Crews with the FCPW are looking at the roots of the tree because they exposed when it fell over, but Mendes thinks the drought might be to blame.
"A lot of these trees are obviously not native to this area," Mendes said. "So, you know they're suffering to a certain extent. A lot of them are older."
The grass area where the tree fell will be closed off for the rest of the week. Work crews say it will take some time to repair the light posts and safety phone but the park bench may not be replaced.