Feather Raft inventor heading to Innovation Challenge

ByKeba Arnold - KXTV/News10
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Feather Raft inventor heading to Stanislaus Innovation Challenge
The Feather Raft is a light weight and very durable raft that can be used for all sorts of outdoor activities.

FRESNO, Calif. -- Elias Ruiz teaches math and science at Dutcher Middle School

Mr. Ruiz converts his energy into his passion every weekend by working on his invention, the Feather Raft.

"I didn't have a boat, didn't have too many friends that had a boat," said Ruiz. "I just started thinking I needed something that can float."

In a YouTube video Ruiz said, "As you can see their easy to stand on, easy to cast from, easy to maintain your balance."

Ruiz later added, "It weighs about 55 pounds."

The Feather Raft is a light weight and very durable raft that can be used for all sorts of outdoor activities.

"You can use it for fishing, bowfishing, hunting, navigating, leisure, yoga, tourism, commuting, marine construction, and as a barge," Ruiz explained.

The Feather Raft will represent the city of Turlock in next month's Stanislaus Innovation Challenge. The winner will get $2,500 cash and $2,500 in business services. Money that can go a long way for a small business with big dreams.

Ruiz added, "I have people that want truckloads of them so by myself in my garage isn't going to cut it for too much longer."

Visit their website for more information on the Feather Raft: http://bit.ly/1tbmqum.

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