Selma teacher publishes book aimed at helping students fall in love with reading

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Saturday, February 22, 2025
Selma teacher publishes book aimed at helping students fall in love with reading
A Selma teacher is hoping to transport students to another world through reading.

SELMA, Calif. (KFSN) -- Third-grade students at Eric White Elementary School were assigned characters and took turns reading roles from a Jack and Beanstalk script.

Their teacher, Michael Kimzey, says his students gravitate toward reading like an actor.

"Kids at this age, they love doing readers theater," Kimzey said.

Kimzey says getting students to enjoy a book and read at, or above, grade level is the goal.

"I've seen them go from a low-grade level to grade level and above, just by finding the author that speaks to them," Kimzey said.

Now he's hoping he may be one of those authors who speaks to readers with his recently published book, "Alex Branson and the Ogre of Thrandar."

It's mainly written for kids 8 to 18 and is based around the question 'What happens when you die?'

"It's basically like if the creator of the universe kept on creating -- right -- other universes," Kimzey said.

Readers will follow Alex's adventure through the alternate universe, which features elves and unicorns.

Kimzey says boys will identify with heroic masculinity in the book, while girls will identify with being high-value and courageous.

He says at face value, it's an exciting adventure, but there are also hidden gems.

"Some people will be able to see deeper principles that should help guide them -- but it's really just a story that anybody can enjoy," Kimzey said.

Kimzey designed and created the illustrations with the help of artificial intelligence.

He hopes to turn it into a series one day, but most of all, he hopes his readers connect with the characters and walk away with new a perspective.

"I just think that it's a book of hope, like it makes people more hopeful and see things that are different, you know, see things in a different light," Kimzey said.

The book is available now on Kindle, or you can pick up your own copy on Amazon.

You can find a link to buy it by clicking here.

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