Students at Duncan Polytech High School remember 9/11 with ceremony

Thursday, September 12, 2019
Students at Duncan Polytech High School remember 9/11 with ceremony
While many adults remember the day vividly, most students at the school had not been born yet. Community members say ceremonies help students understand what happened.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Students at Duncan Polytechnical High in Fresno held a 9/11 ceremony not only in memory of the victims but to honor local veterans, police officers and firefighters.

"The best we can do to honor those in our city who protect our community and our county is to always remember them. Duncan's annual ceremony on 9/11 reminds us what it means to serve others," said Superintendent Bob Nelson.

The school hosted members of the community who have served and protected their community or country.

The Air Force Junior ROTC color guard and cadets, as well as leadership students, lined the main hall holding American flags.

As the American Flag was lowered down, students, teachers, and the community stood quietly. For many memories of the deadly attack flooded back.

"It still makes me a little bit emotional talking about 9/11 because I know exactly where I was. I remember vividly the day it happened and where I was and what I was doing," said Fresno Police Sgt. Pete Boyer.

Boyer said sometimes it feels like it all happened just yesterday.

While he remembers that day, for students at the school it's a little different. Many had not been born yet, what they know about 9/11 is learned from stories and their textbooks.

"My mother, she was telling me, she was at home watching the news and she just remembers seeing the twin towers just getting hit by a plane, she was just at home," said sophomore Alissa Maravilla. "It's just so devastating hearing what my mother said it was just normal people, their average day going to work, going to school."

Students said while they weren't there to witness the events unfold, it still hits them, especially since they get to hear different versions of what and where people were that day.

"I think it's important to remember the sacrifices that our first responders and our military made and also the civilians that didn't have a choice in what happened that day but continued to fight together," said senior Evelyn Gamble.

She added her dad was actually in the air force at the time, so this really tugs at her.

However, Sgt. Boyer worries that some students do not grasp the importance of 9/11.

"I see on a daily basis the kids in the schools and in our communities, some of them don't really understand the full context of it," he said. "So I think talking about it and making sure we understand and always relive what happened that day is important."

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