In a story reminiscent of The Little Shop of Horrors, a German gardener has managed to grow a gigantic sunflower plant that dwarfs all of mankind.
Hans-Peter Schiffer broke his own previous records for the world's tallest sunflower on June 4, the plant stretching 30 feet and one inch into the sky according to the Guinness Book of World Records. Schiffer has held the world record for three consecutive records in 2009 (26 feet, 4 inches), 2012 (27 feet)and 2013 (28 feet, 8 inches).
The plant was so tall, the local fire brigade had to help measure the plant by building a multi-level scaffolding platform.
"Some sunflowers are already so unbelievable tall, that it could be very possible to get even a taller one," Schiffer to Guinness. "I am already very happy."
Schiffer admitted growing the massive plants was no easy feat as the inclement weather would often threaten their survival. Even as Guinness officials recorded the achievement, storm clouds rose on the horizon, with hailstones damaging the plant.
"It was a very sad day for me," said Schiffer, "because the hail destroyed nearly all the leaves. But nevertheless, my sunflowers continued growing."