Parra Endorses Gilmore

Fresno, CA The race could be very heated. Parra is not supporting her party's pick to fill her seat in the assembly. Instead, she is supporting Danny Gilmore who is a republican. Just two years ago both of them launched negative campaigns against each other.

Nicole Parra said, "The Parra family, we whole heatedly endorse the Gilmore family." The road to that endorsement has been rocky. Parra held on to her seat in 2006 by beating Gilmore. At that time, the candidates criticized each other's records and experience. But on Monday Parra praised Gilmore calling him the right candidate. Parra said, "That's what you do during election time. You attach people on their votes and you let people decide who best they want ... That was two years ago." Gilmore said, "We're not always going to agree on everything. That's politics. That's the democracy."

Parra's district covers Kings County and parts of Fresno and Tulare. It's also a seat that traditionally is not dominated by one party. Parra's relationship with democrats is shaky. Democratic leaders recently booted Parra from her capital office as punishment for not supporting the party's budget proposal. Parra is also not endorsing the Democrat's nominee for her seat and a long time family foe: Fran Florez. Fran is the mother of State Senator Dean Florez. Her campaign issued a written statement: "During the 2006 campaign, Gilmore spent over $1-million saying that Parra's legislation did not reflect the values of the valley. Parra spent over $2-million calling Gilmore a liar."

Parra said, "It's time for the Florez family and the Parra family step aside and let new people run for office." Parra can't run again because of term limits. She is still unsure of her future and has not ruled out running for another office in the future.


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