Nonprofit providing financial literacy to the Hispanic community

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Saturday, July 13, 2024
Nonprofit providing financial literacy to the Hispanic community
A local business start-up is already full speed ahead after getting a boost from Fresno State.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- A local business start-up is already full speed ahead after getting a boost from Fresno State.

For several weeks, this team has spent time together growing a non-profit they firmly believe in.

"We want to have a greater impact and help Latinos all over the United States get a grasp on financial literacy," said Raul Lopez, CEO of Raices Unidas.

Unidas was the startup of founders Raul Lopez and Alexis Robledo at the Patiño School of Entrepreneurship.

Since graduating in June, they have become a non-profit with the same mission of empowering the Latino Community through Financial Literacy.

Recently, Eric Ceballos and Dylan Schwartz joined the team.

"I love doing the video work. I learn about financial literacy too when I am filming, and I work on promotional content for them," said Ceballos, lead multimedia specialist.

"As the graphic designer, I am helping them convey their message through images and marketing," said Schwartz.

They were all prepared to work from home until an opportunity came knocking.

"We had already planned it out of how we were going to do it. Who was going to give up, what time commitments, and now having this office, we are here every day of the week, seeing this through," said Lopez.

That office space is at the Water, Energy and Technology Center, or WET Center, at Fresno State.

Traditionally, the center supports water, energy, and agriculture businesses.

But Glen Schrader, an entrepreneur who met Lopez and Robledo while serving as a judge at their former High School connected them with WET Center leaders.

"These guys were septate that if you helped them or gave them the opportunity, they would run with it," said Schrader.

Eric Hadden, director of the WET center, says he's excited to provide this young group with not only an office, but opportunities.

"They have a network of mentors in the grand space, the sales and marketing space. All the resources here for all businesses are available for them, and they've done a great job," said Hadden.

A helping hand this team is not taking for granted as they continue growing the organization through resources on the website and arranging workshops.

For news updates, follow Elisa Navarro on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.