Exclusive Action News / SurveyUSA Poll

Fresno, CA, USA Immediately after John McCain's announcement 3 pm ET today, Wednesday 09/24/08, that he was suspending his campaign and seeking to postpone Friday's schedule presidential debate, SurveyUSA interviewed 1,000 adults nationwide.

Key findings
A majority of Americans say the debate should be held. Just 10% say the debate should be postponed. A sizable percentage of Americans, 36%, think the focus of the debate should be modified to focus more on the economy. 3 of 4 Americans say the presidential campaign should continue. Just 14% say the presidential campaign should be suspended. If Friday's debate does not take place 46% of Americans say that would be bad for America.

This survey was completed in middle of unprecedented and fast-changing news events. This survey should be viewed as a freeze-frame snapshot of public opinion at a unique moment in American history. Opinions can and should be expected to change as news events unfold. SurveyUSA did not characterize Senator McCain's comments nor Senator Obama's comments in any way in the research questionnaire.

The first debate between John McCain and Barack Obama is scheduled to take place in two days. Should the debate be held as scheduled? Should the debate be held, but the format changed to focus on the economy? Or, should the debate be postponed?

50% Held As Scheduled
36% Held With Focus On Economy
10% Postponed
4% Not Sure

Is the right response to the turmoil on Wall Street to suspend the campaigns for president? To continue the campaigns as though there is no crisis? Or, to re-focus the campaigns with a unique emphasis on the turmoil on Wall Street?

14% Suspend Campaigns
31% Continue Campaign
48% Re-focus The Campaign
7% Not Sure

If Friday's presidential debate does not take place, would that be good for America? Bad for America? Or would it make no difference?

14% Good For America
46% Bad For America
35% No Difference
6% Not Sure

If Friday's presidential debate does not take place, would that be good for john McCain, bad for john McCain, or would it make no difference?

21% Good For McCain
21% Bad For McCain
52% No Difference
6% Not Sure

If Friday's presidential debate does not take place, would that be good for Barack Obama, bad for Barack Obama? Or would it make no difference?

16% Good For Obama
26% Bad For Obama
52% No Difference
6% Not Sure

Asked of 1000 Adults | Margin of Sampling Error for these questions = ± 3.2%


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