The Know is a program that helps valley teens express themselves through media. Students write about a variety of topics including gangs, teen pregnancy and cultural issues.
Guests: Mai Der Vang, Media Director Arena Phaphilo-Student.
Open workshop
Monday, June 29th, from 4-6pm.
The San Joaquin Valley Chicano/Latino Youth Leadership Institute is hosting a conference to help build self-esteem and prepare students for leadership roles.
July 10th-12th
Fresno Pacific University.
For an application, and more information on the conference call 559-453-2212
Guests: Silvia Rojas-SJVCL Youth Leadership Institute & Jesus Martinez-Student
Twin scholars
Twin sisters from Dos Palos High School graduate at the top of their class. What motivates these young Latinas and what they'll do after graduation.
Hospital help
A 12-year-old Valley girl suddenly becomes ill . See how doctors at Children's Hospital Central California healed her pain
More Latino Life Episodes