Fresno Police say there are still active investigations in the shooting death of Dylan Noble

ByABC30 Web Staff KFSN logo
Monday, November 27, 2017
Attorneys representing Dylan Noble's family reject internal investigation results

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Federal court documents reveal there are still two active investigations into the death of Dylan Noble, both of which could result in criminal charges against the officers who shot him.

Noble was shot and killed by Fresno Police officers after ignoring commands by police after he was pulled over.

A judge on Monday ordered the department to release new documents related to his death.

Federal court documents show the FPD internal affairs Lieutenant said there are two ongoing investigations: A criminal investigation by the FBI, and a combination criminal and administrative investigation by the city of Fresno. The Lieutenant told the court the FBI is still trying to determine whether federal criminal charges are warranted, and the FPD investigation could also still lead the department to recommend criminal charges.

A federal judge gave a mixed ruling Monday, requiring a gag order for much of the information requested by attorneys for Dylan Noble's parents. But the ruling includes an order for the release of many "objective factual documents" without any gag order.

This includes video from body cameras from several officers, videos taken by officers and witnesses, autopsy reports, pre-incident and post-incident police reports, initial 911 calls, dispatch audio communicated to officers, photographs taken by officers and witnesses including pictures of the scene and more.

In October 2017, Action News requested information from the city about the investigations it says are still active. The city attorney's office rejected the public records request.


- Fresno police officers shot and killed Dylan Noble in June 2016. A video came out in the coming days showing him making hand movements and seeming to ignore officer commands.

- In December 2016, Chief Jerry Dyer released results from an internal investigation. He said the officers mostly stayed within department policy but said he would discipline one of them for tactics used (or unused) in the 14 seconds before the officer fired the fourth and final shot.

- One week later, Fresno County district attorney's office announces it will not file criminal charges against the officers.

- Now, in November 2017, federal court documents show the FPD internal affairs Lieutenant says there are two ongoing investigations: A criminal investigation by the FBI, and a combination criminal and administrative investigation by the city of Fresno.

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