Bear hit by a car on Southern California freeway

Monday, May 15, 2017
Bear to be euthanized after being hit by car in La Verne
A young female bear that was hit by a car on the 210 Freeway in La Verne was transported to a Humane Society facility in Pomona but officials said a severe broken leg required the bear to be euthanized.

LA VERNE, Calif. -- A young bear struck by a car along the 210 Freeway in La Verne was expected to be euthanized after being rescued by wildlife officials on Monday.

The collision occurred around 7:45 a.m. near the Fruit Street on-ramp to the westbound 210 Freeway.

The female bear, weighing about 225 pounds, was injured but still alive.

Officials with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife were called to the scene to evaluate the situation.

The bear was seen pacing back and forth in some bushes off the freeway.

It was eventually hit with at least one tranquilizer dart and went down.

Wildlife officials surrounded the sedated bear, placed it in a black truck and transported him to the Inland Valley Humane Society in Pomona.

After an evaluation, officials said the bear suffered a broken leg from the crash and will be euthanized.

The freeway ramp was temporarily closed during the rescue and opened back up about 11 a.m.

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