The shocking revelation about Schwarzenegger


"How could you even sleep? And keep that type of secret?" asked former California Brenda Smothers Tuesday. Smothers was just one of several people asked to weigh in on the sex scandal at the River Park Farmer's Market Tuesday.

Ron McLain, the founder of the Healthy Marriage Coalition, believes very strongly that couples can reconcile and recover from infidelity. But in this case, even the staunch marriage advocate isn't very optimistic. "There's a big difference between someone who has a one night stand and somebody who has fathered a child and almost 10 years later tells his wife about it. He's been living a lie for 10 years. That's going to be almost impossible to recover from," said McLain.

McLain said if couples do try to rebuild their marriage, the cheating spouse would have to come clean completely, ask for forgiveness, and be completely transparent while he or she tries to rebuild trust. But among those at River Park Tuesday, few thought the former governor deserved another chance. "After 10 years, no… she should not be with this man," said Rosemary Monroe of Fresno.

"He didn't repent in time. Now it's way too convenient for him to say, 'oh, I'm sorry'. That's like a Jerry Springer show. So no forgiveness for our governor," said Grand Garccinni of Fresno. Garccinni also said he was glad this didn't happen while Schwarzenegger was in office, when it could have been a distraction.

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