Low calorie foods, nutritionists say, can do damage to your diet

FRESNO, Calif.

"I won't eat cereal with food coloring and that's the truth," a nutritionist said.

Another nutritionist said, "The one food that I tell people not to eat at all is going to be processed meats."

That's a start, but what else do nutritionists just say no to?

How about rice cakes? Most people think of them as the ultimate diet food, but rice cakes have a glycemic index rating as high as 91, making it the kind of carbohydrate that will send your blood sugar on a roller coaster ride.

Also, get rid of the fat-free salad dressing. Most have a lot of sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

While you are at it, get rid of those grits. They are hyper refined carbohydrates and are the small leftover pieces from corn processing. Their flavor is lacking so butter and cream is needed to make them palatable, making them blood vessel-destroying morsels with little nutritional value.

Another one to stay away from if you can refine and re-fortified grains. They are most breakfast cereals, pastas, and rice products that have been refined such that the naturally occurring fiber, vitamins, and minerals have actually been removed.

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