Re-birth underway for failed sports complex in Fresno

Friday, February 17, 2017
Re-birth underway for failed sports complex in Fresno
Dirt's being moved and fields are getting smoothed over at Granite Park. The diamonds are close to being ready for opening day March 4th.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Dirt's being moved and fields are getting smoothed over at Granite Park. The diamonds are close to being ready for opening day March 4th.

The developer was Terance Frazier's.

"God put it on my heart to go, you know what, you've got to give back and this is what you need to do. I didn't want to do it."

The words Granite Park leave a bitter taste in people's mouths, but Frazier felt this place can still be an economic driver with so many valley kids playing baseball and softball.

"They're always traveling to other cities to stay in their hotels, eat their food. We need to keep our kids here. We need to keep our families here."

The infields will be all Astroturf, no dirt, to cut down on maintenance.

Local landscaper Eric Briner is in charge of putting in real grass in the outfield to go along with the now level playing fields.

"It's awesome to see from the weeds and the tumbleweeds and the craters from the ground squirrels having the run of it."

Kids can't wait to play baseball here, but Granite Park has already drawn interest from local softball teams

"We actually have Monday through Thursday adult softball leagues and our Wednesday and Thursday leagues are already completely sold out."

Frazier's team invested one and a half million dollars to refurbish the complex.

"I don't need to make money here but I do need the people to get involved."

The city is leasing the property and will spend $150,000 a year to fund Granite Park programs.

If people make use of the fields phase two calls for a two-story restaurant.

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