6-year-old Hanford boy tested positive for meth, mom arrested

Saturday, October 10, 2015
6-year-old Hanford boy tested positive for meth, mom arrested
A South Valley mom is in serious trouble after her 6-year-old tested positive for drugs.

A South Valley mom is in serious trouble after her 6-year-old tested positive for drugs.

Hanford police say a six year old boy ingested methamphetamine. The home on the 11-thousand block of Hume Avenue is where the boy's mom, Stephanie Salazar, lives.

"The mother's a known user," said Lt. George Hernandez, Hanford Police Department.

Lt. Hernandez says last weekend the boy was dropped off at the home for a supervised visit, Salazar's mom was supervising. When the boy's other grandma picked him up she noticed he was acting strange.

Lt. Hernandez said, "He was too incoherent to give a statement as to what he had consumed."

They went to Adventist Medical Center where the boy tested positive for meth. He was then transported to Valley Children's Hospital.

It took two days before officers could talk to him. He told them he drank water from a water bottle found in his mom's room. "he said didn't taste right and started feeling a little awkward," explained Lt. Hernandez.

That's when police tracked down Salazar. "The day we finally made contact with her not only was she arrested for child endangerment but for being under the influence of a controlled substance," said Lt. Hernandez.

Salazar told officers she would never do anything to hurt her child. "Obviously something did occur that put her child in danger," Lt. Hernandez stated.

The Kings County District Attorney will now determine what charges should be filed and everything will also be referred to child protective services.