Three-year-old Elijah gets a new pair of ABC30 sunglasses

Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Three-year-old Elijah Urquizo gets a new pair of ABC30 sunglasses
A little madera boy's tearful video touched our hearts here at ABC30, and in the spirit of the season, we had to do something about it.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- A little Madera boy's tearful video touched our hearts here at ABC30, and in the spirit of the season, we had to do something about it.

In a video shot by his parents, three-year-old Elijah Urquizo cried his eyes out after his 17-month-old sister broke his most prized possession, his ABC30 sunglasses he got at the Big Fresno Fair.

"Who gave those to you?" his mother asks.

"Warren" Elijah answers.

Warren who?

"Warren Armstrong"

"Warren Armstrong have those to you honey?"

"Yeah (sobbing)!"

Elijah's mom and dad sent us the heartbreaking video and asked if we could help.

So, we invited the whole family to the ABC30 studios. It turns out Elijah eats, sleeps, and goes everywhere with those sunglasses.

"Every morning when he wakes up he has to have two things -- his hat and his glasses. If he doesn't have hit hat and glasses, his day is just ruined," said Jeanette Urquizo, mother.

Three-year-olds should not have bad days -- especially this time of year -- so we had a gift waiting for Elijah: A brand new pair of ABC30 shades!

We also gave our little super fan a goodie bag full of more ABC30 stuff like footballs and T-shirts. Then Elijah and his family took a tour of the ABC30 studios where he may have had visions of one day delivering the news, weather, or sports.

But nothing compared to the good feeling of having those shiny blue frames back on his adorable little noggin'.

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