FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Tuesday morning Lou Amendola owner of Valley Wide Beverage visited the Central California Food Bank for the first time.
His business used to operate out of this Southwest Fresno building for decades. He toured the entire building from the colorful and lively lobby to the massive warehouse stocked with food. Amendola sold the building at a discounted price to the Food Bank after moving to a new facility. He also made a $1 million dollar donation.
"It gives them a platform to do better work and distribute more food and help more needy families," said Amendola. "We have a need in this Valley. We grow the food, we produce it and now we can distribute it."
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Andy Souza Central California Food Bank CEO said there couldn't have been better timing. Their lease was up in a couple years and they were actively looking for a new location. They also needed more space, they were at capacity and had to turn away food deliveries.
"Lou's generosity has meant more than $2.3 million to the Central California Food Bank, just for this building alone and without that, we wouldn't be here today," said Souza.
Their new building is three times as big. They can now store items that need to be refrigerated on location. Currently, they are in the last stages of getting coolers and freezers installed.
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"It has really been a game changer for us operationally, but more than that, if you see this facility our staff are proud to come here in the morning, it's a professional building," said Souza.
Souza said the Amendola's contribution will forever be honored. Anyone who goes to the Food Bank has to turn on the newly renamed Amendola Drive to get there. That family was also given a duplicate sign as a thank you.