FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Orange cones and road work signs will be a common sight along McKinley Avenue as construction will soon start on placing a new water pipe from Fresno to Blackstone.
The businesses along the street will stay open, but traffic will not be able to drive through, which worries residents who live nearby the site.
Monique Jackson, who lives near the construction site, said, "It's a very usual
(Sic) road, so I don't know how it's going to work out."
A detour north to Clinton Avenue will be available for drivers throughout the construction, which is expected to last until September.
"I don't think it's a good idea to shut the whole thing down, but, I mean, you gotta do what you gotta do," said Jackson.
Businesses like Kirk Kar Upholstery sit along the construction zone. The owner of the shop, Norman Jazanjian, said he is not too concerned about losing business, but is questioning how his employees are going to be able to park their cars and come into work.
"It's not gonna help business any that's for sure, it might deter a little bit but I think people that are normal customers are going to come back so we'll be okay."
Crews are also installing several miles of new water lines on Palm, between McKinley and H Street-- that road can be closed until November.
"We recognize it's really a short term impact that will benefit the city in the long run by supplying surface water to our customers," said Michael Carbajal, City of Fresno.
Drivers can use Clinton or Olive to get around instead, businesses along this street that we spoke with do want to stress that they will remain open during the construction.