Fresno State is advancing black student success thanks to new funding

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Friday, May 3, 2024
Fresno State is advancing black student success thanks to new funding
After receiving more than $4 million from the California State University, Fresno State is set to expand the Black Student Success Initiative's outreach.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- California State University has allocated over $4.6 million to advance and elevate black students across its 23 campuses.

"One of the messages that came through very clearly is that they did not want this action plan to be another report on the shelf, and we have taken that charge very seriously," says California State University Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs Dilcie Perez.

She adds that the University system is taking action to help advance black student success across all 23 universities by allocating over $4.6 million.

In 2023, each campus submitted individual action plans detailing how they would use the funds to make a difference.

"Each university identified 1 to 3 items that would help them move forward in these efforts, and listed on our website are each of the action items that every university committed to," said Perez.

At Fresno State, Sade Johnson, with the Black Student Success Initiative, says the funds will help create more community and belonging by expanding and increasing the group's outreach.

Johnson understands firsthand what many students experience on campus.

"Ittook me a long time to be black and proud here. How do we make them feel like Bulldogs? That they are bulldog-born and bulldog-bred and that they are welcome here? We want them here."

This is just one small part of the bigger picture of transforming the CSU system.

Fresno State President Saul Jimenez Sandoval is a co-leader of the strategic action plan around black student success and excellence.

Perez sayshe "really placed an emphasis that this work, if we are going to improve black student success in the CSU, will take all of us leading this charge, and so we are excited about their leadership and commitment."

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