Fire destroys playground at Hinton Community Center in Southwest Fresno

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Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Fire destroys playground at Hinton Community Center in Southwest Fresno
There's one less playground in Southwest Fresno for children to enjoy this summer.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- There's one less playground in Southwest Fresno for children to enjoy this summer.

A fire started just before 3:30 at the Hinton Community Center near Church and Fig. The flames damaged a large portion of the playground equipment. Witnesses saw three teenagers running from the area shortly after the fire started.

A board member who talked to Action News says it hurts more since recreational parks are already limited in that part of town. "Again, this is for the community, for kids -- and some people that just for the heck of it, ya know, come over here and destroy and make it really hard for the community, for kids to come over here and have a place to play and have fun," said Victor Macias, Hinton Community Center board member.

Investigators are hoping surveillance video captured by a Church across the street will help identify the suspects.

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