Pint for Pint Blood Drive helps people in our community

Friday, August 1, 2014
Pint for Pint Blood Drive helps people in our community
All day long, we've been sharing the personal stories of those impacted by your blood donations.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- All day long, we've been sharing the personal stories of those impacted by your blood donations.

The Pint for Pint Blood Drive could mean the difference between life and death for some.

With a desire to help others, dozens of Valley residents like Marty Norris showed up to be among the first to donate at the annual Pint for Pint Blood Drive.

"We know that blood saves lives," said Norris. "We had a 6-year-old nephew, Colby Jackson, that had passed away from cancer. He was getting a lot of blood transfusions. It's kind of to honor him."

Norris says the blood helped prolong his nephew's life and gave them precious time. His donation at the Pint for Pint Blood Drive is a way to pay it forward. At the annual drive, the faces of dozens of Valley residents, who have been helped by donors, are displayed, like Bill Valenzuela. Valenzuela is a leukemia survivor and is glad to see so many people come out.

"Receiving blood transfusions made it so that I could continue on with life and have the energy I needed for participation in life and to carry on," said Valenzuela.

The Central California Blood Center says the blood drive comes during a critical time.

Dean Eller with the Central California Blood Center explained, "We're less than 30 percent of what we need in all types of blood. O negative is really the most important, it's the universal donor. It's what's used in emergency situations and we need that especially, but we need all blood types."

Eller says he hopes people take time to come out and donate. He says studies show less than 5 percent of people donate, but 97 percent of us will be touched by someone who needs a blood donation in our lifetime.

"It's important we just support those, you never know when you're going to need it," said Eller.

Your donation will help people here in our community. More than 30 Valley hospitals depend on the blood center for this life saving gift."

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