Good Sports: Taylor Niznak

Friday, October 3, 2014
Good Sports: Taylor Niznak
A San Joaquin Memorial High School football player is setting the standard for athletes all over our Valley.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- They get the least attention on the field and the least recognition from local media, but they also get the most respect from their peers. They're linemen, and wouldn't have it any other way.

"I just like to help people," San Joaquin offensive lineman Taylor Niznak said. "I like to help my team out. I try to make sure I put others before me, like my family, my friends, and my teammates."

That's why San Joaquin Memorial Senior Captain Taylor Niznak stands out. Not for his 6'1", 245 pound frame, but for his willingness to serve others, both on the field and off of it.

"Not only is he a great football player, he's a great student," San Joaquin Memorial head coach Anthony Goston said of Niznak. "The kids respect him, that's why he's a captain. You wish he had 10 guys like that."

"He is the young man that I've always wanted him to be," Niznak's mother Rebecca said proudly. "I like his character. I like that he's focused. And I like how he's very caring, especially to others."

Niznak is a Student Ambassador and senior representative on campus, sporting a 3.0 GPA. And is just as active in the community, putting in countless hours volunteering for programs like iCanBike and Break the Barriers.

"It feels great," Niznak said. "I love it. It puts a lot of joy in me and a lot of smiles on their faces. I just love being around that atmosphere."

"He gives some of our young kids, our freshmen and sophomores, the ideal football player in terms of this is what you do, and this is how you do it," Goston said. "And so when you got a guy like that that not only says it, but does it, it goes a long way with the younger kids and your coaches."

And he's not done. Niznak is looking to play football in college and continue helping people by majoring in kinesiology.

"I've talked to a lot of my elders and they say you really like to help people so why not make that a career," Niznak said. "And I thought about that, and I think I might do that."

Unselfish but instrumental to so many groups. A Good Sport if there ever was one.

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