FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Women encouraging women, that's the theme of the 2nd Annual Business Women's Luncheon hosted by The Hidden Wealth Foundation and The Fresno Area Hispanic Foundation.
The organizations partner to host free culturally sensitive business courses for female entrepreneurs.
During their luncheon at India's Oven in Northwest Fresno, they announced the addition of eight new multilingual courses.
"There may be resources, but do you know how tough it is to go and have access to those resources whenever there's a language barrier, whenever you're new to the country," says Kiran Brar, Executive director of The Hidden Wealth Foundation.
In 2020, the foundations kicked off their first Womanpeneur program.
Melissa dos Parzes Ellard was part of the first graduating cohort..
She owns an online clothing store, Desk to Dusk.
The marketing tactics she learned during the course helped keep her business afloat.
Melissa says, "Just having that support system from the Fresno area Hispanic Foundation, other business owners, other women business owners really helped me take my business from one level to the next."
Melissa was born and raised in Dubai, and moved to Arkansas State to play tennis.
She and her husband have lived in Fresno for 10 years.
She draws inspiration for her business and evening clothing company from her mother and daughter.
"Don't think, you know you can reach your maximum potential by yourself. It's really about bringing the right support system and putting that around you that really helps you grow and get to the next level," mentions Melissa,
Although the foundations are intentional in supporting people of minority backgrounds, anyone is welcome to utilize their resources.
The foundations thank their luncheon sponsors, including Khadim Jewelers, for making the program possible.
Business courses sponsored by the Hidden Wealth Foundation and the Fresno Area Hispanic Foundation will kick off as early as this November.
Details on the next Womanpreneur can be found here.