Open Road - The Return of Fulton Street

ByDale Yurong and Christine Brown, via
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Open Road - The Return of Fulton Street
For the first time in almost 50 years cars will be able to drive through this six-block-long thoroughfare.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- The heart of Downtown Fresno is on the verge of a big reveal -- bringing the historic, outdoor mall back to its' roots.

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For the first time in almost 50 years cars will be able to drive through this six-block-long thoroughfare.


It is a change that sparked plenty of debate among city leaders, business owners and the thousands of people who call Fresno "home".

"I've been walking and talking to my constituents and they do not support this project," said Councilman Paul Caprioglio.

And now about a year and a half after breaking ground, the anticipation has grown and there is renewed hope for what this will mean for the local economy.

MORE: How Did They Do It? The transformation of Fulton Mall to Fulton Street

Turning a giant sidewalk back into a street took a lot of hard work and hardware.

Turning a giant sidewalk back into a street took a lot of hard work and hardware.

Three new traffic signals will control traffic along Fulton Street. Workers also installed over 200 new LED street and pedestrian lights.

Below the lights, more than three thousand tons of new asphalt and 140-thousand square feet of new sidewalks.


Fulton Street Party!
Saturday, October 21st
3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

More info on events


Artwork along the Fulton Street

When this process began last March the city made it a priority to keep the artwork intact. In fact, a quarter of the budget was for fountain and sculpture restoration alone. Every single piece went through a thorough restoration process. All of the sculptures but one was brought back to a block of its original location.

When this process began last March the city made it a priority to keep the artwork intact.

Only 80 percent of the fountains were rebuilt. Some of them were turned into planters.

Construction crews also carefully maintained this striping effect on the sidewalks which was part of the original design. With the transformation nearly complete many of the pieces will be easier to find.

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MORE: Take a look back at the history of Fulton Street

Annual Fulton Mall Cinco de Mayo Festival

For years, the Fulton Mall has been home to some of the biggest events of Central California's Hispanic community, like the annual May Day March, and the Cinco de Mayo celebration.And it looks like the tradition will continue on Fulton Street.

The festival includes great cultural music, dancing, and of course food.

Every 5th of May, this area is packed with as many as thousands celebrate Mexican Culture. The festival includes great cultural music, dancing, and of course food.

Organizers say they plan to hold the Cinco de Mayo celebration on Fulton Street next year, and for years to come.

MORE: Fulton Mall business excited for change but worry they might be pushed out for new developments

New living spaces overlooking Chukchansi Park planned on Fulton Street

During baseball season loyal Grizzlies fans spill into the stadium. Developer Terrance Frazier and a partner have plans to make room for families who want to live right where the games are played.

Thousands of baseball fans visit Downtown Fresno each year to root for the home team at Chukchansi Park just off Fulton.

This development will feature living space on the top levels with room for retail space on the bottom.

It is a project that is still in the planning phases.

Construction is expected to begin next year with completion expected in 2020.

MORE: Younger generation giving a new perspective of Fulton Street

Fulton Street Tours

Many people intrigued about this project have been able to take walking tours along Fulton Street over the past few months.

Many people intrigued about this project have been able to take walking tours along Fulton Street over the past few months.

The Downtown Fresno Partnership organized these trips as a way to teach everyone about the street's history.

Once the entire street is completely reopened officials say they would like to continue offering them but have not finalized those plans just yet.

MORE: What's Next for Fulton Street?

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